Saturday, October 11, 2008

Towards More Efficient Data Centers

The main three areas of focus of data center 3.0 are consolidation, virtualization and automation. The trend in data centers is to go from many data centers in an enterprise to fewer. The main drivers are power, cooling, space constraints, and the massive proliferation of underutilized machines. The focus of our consolidation is to bring greener data centers and improve capex and opex.

Also, Application delivery is something that CIOs need to concentrate on. Suppose I send you a file and you make some changes, and this goes back and forth a thousand times, and each file transfer takes 4 milliseconds, I can spend 40 minutes for the exchange of one PowerPoint presentation. Instead, if I consolidate on what is called the wide area application services (WAAS), my network looks into your content and instead of sending the entire file, and it sends only the changes back and forth. Now, in this case, I'm using my bandwidth more efficiently. We have built this into our networks.

One more area of importance is compression. Today, all sorts of traffic like file traffic, Web traffic, exchange traffic, and video traffic flows through the network. Compression can make the network respond faster and give huge savings. It will also allow remote users to “feel” local by giving them very good response time. Think of the benefits for areas like finance, where one millisecond can represent millions of rupees.

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